The Organ @ St. A's---it's coming back!
Refer to October post about the organ at my home church.
After lots of prayers for me and for the situation by my friends who are prayer-warriors, I did make a presentation to our local ruling body, the bishop's committee, regarding memorials in general and the organ specifically. It was purchased with memorial funds from my mom's estate during the time I was music director/organist. Our little church has been in survival mode for SO LONG that the "niceties" of policies regarding church use and/or protection of memorials just hadn't come up on the radar. In my presentation, I was guided to report on just the memorials people had asked ME about during my stint on the bishop's committee in 2004, and then I asked about the organ!
Oddly enough, I didn't flush out who the organ dismantlers were, why they did it, or under whose authority they removed the pedal board, the music rack, and the external speaker from the organ and removed those from the sanctuary. (Yes, organists, it IS just a "toaster"--an electronic instrument). But I did get an apology from the senior warden and from the priest for the desecration of this memorial gift, and the SW promised it would be reassembled because he, too, misses organ music!
I'll take victories where I can get 'em, and I pray St. Andrew's can find the compromise that churches like St. Martin's (see previous post) have come to. I don't want JUST organ music, either, although that's my religious training. I also don't want the "Christian Contemporary Music" full-time, excluding organ completely.
It's my blog, and I can rant if I want to!!
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