The hot, hot summer
Here's my first attempt at blogging. I've been an intermittent journaler for years, so I'm curious about how this works. I'll comment on the day's news, on the day's Scripture readings, on the day's interactions as a way of working out what my place in this world is really supposed to be!
Here in Texas, summer is in full swing, as we've had temperatures in the 80's and 90's already, even though we're just preparing to enter June! My main job this week has been to keep cool so that I don't suffer too much from the heat. I know that folks here 500 years ago lived without benefit of air conditioners, and many folks still do. I simply don't know how they survive the combination of heat and humidity. It simply drains the life force right out of me! I am thankful for central air conditioning and a/c in my car.