Poocherelli's Posts

Musings of a spiritual being, a dog lover,a friend to cats, a musician, a lover of God and the Episcopal church, and a female with a wicked sense of humor still seeking who she's supposed to be in this world, all rolled up into one being!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Lord is Risen!!
Lord is Risen Indeed!!

What a lovely Easter Vigil service St. Andy's celebrated tonight. As the only cantor in residence, it was my joy to do the Exultet. Despite my COPD- and asthma-ridden voice, I was able to get into my head voice and have everything come out pretty clearly, thanks be to God! The choir consisted of two of us with a congregation of probably 20. Small group it was, but pretty encouraging for a church which has not even observed the Easter Vigil in some past years. Tomorrow of course will be the holly and lilly crowd, and so attendance will, God willing, approach 100 souls.

It is bloomin' COLD here. I have joked with my friends in the Texas Panhandle, sending them "I....'m dream-ing of a whi......te EASTER!" e-mails. They may well have snow. We just have unseasonably cold, wet weather for tomorrow. All the new, frilly, Easter dresses will be covered with winter coats for sure! Actually, St. Andy's has gone quite "come-as-you-are", so all kinds of garments will be seen tomorrow. Having been raised in the old tradition of wearing one's BEST to church, I've had some adjusting to do. It is, of course, the attitude of the heart and spirit that must be one's best to present to the Lord. The "wrapping" doesn't matter a whit.

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At 4/08/2007 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful to read your posts. And I could catch up on the organ story. I have absolutely NO readers, which isn't really a bad thing, as I write for ME, not them, MUCH more easily.
Happy Easter! Off to put on the turtleneck and long skirt. The Easter finery will wait for warmer weather. Blessings, Donna! Missy


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Location: Texas, United States

I'm a product of the Texas Panhandle and now live in way south Texas, 20 miles from the ocean. I'm a music teacher, retired due to health reasons. I've raised beagles for years, but currently only have 1; His name is Webber, after Andrew Lloyd Webber. I have been adopted by a doxie/beagle/terrier/? mix named Poochie. Trying to make HIS name into a musical one brought variations like Puccini (a real opera composer) and Poocherelli. I also have been adopted by 3 feral kitties for whom I pay vet bills. They have attracted 3 more who are too feral to be touched yet. I am an Episcopalian grown from generations of Methodist roots, and happy to be so. I have a wicked sense of humor, but I'm generally quiet and a bit shy. I have always loved reading and writing, so here I am!

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